About us

To know your client is to be like your client. Our clients are international, and so is our team. Everybody in Incwell speaks English. Most have lived in multiple countries. We love having an international vibe, living in the century of the melting pot.
We want to make your time in Spain pleasurable, and help your business flourish.
Our History
Recently returned from New York, our founder found herself in a hierarchical firm, with a boss who told her she should be more like a florero. She quit and started Incwell in the dust of the dot-com bust of 2001. We started out as Strong Abogados, but we're more than a law firm now. Incwell is about getting your business set up and running in Spain and the rest of Europe.
In 2007, we set the focus on our accounting and payroll departments with the smart use of technology: data should always be migrated, never re-typed. By improving efficiency, we can pass on faster turnaround and lower prices to our clients.
In 2008, we declared Incwell a paperless office: any documents that cannot be retrieved digitally are immediately scanned, uploaded, and visible to the client. We opened our second office in Tenerife in 2010, followed by our Madrid office in 2015, and Rome in 2017.
Our Values
The best way to show that we are customer-driven is to read what other customers have to say.
At Incwell, we support international agreements to back anti-money-laundering laws and outlaw anonymous shell companies. Cutting the money flowing through offshore firms will not only restore lost tax revenue for the countries we live in, but will also cut off the flow for most illicit activities, such as corruption, terrorism, and arms trafficking. It’s too bad many of the big accounting firms have channels to sister firms who handle the offshore accounts of anonymous clients. An example.
Our founder has worked to get more women on the boards of directors of the largest corporations in Spain.
Our favorite NGOs are Samasource, Fonkoze, charity: water, and local NGOs running schools in Gambia. As Leila Janah from Samasource pointed out in her book, the greatest gift is to give work, and these days it is easier than ever to find and support dynamic entrepreneurs around the world.